Friday, September 18, 2015

Connecting With Us On Social Media Has Never Been Easier

Staying connected with the Greater Keller Women's Club Garden of Roses Annual Fundraiser has never been easier. Through our various social media platforms, our members, charities, donors, sponsors and community supporters will be kept up-to-date with the latest news and key information for the upcoming Garden of Roses 2016 Roses & Pearls Champagne Brunch & Auction. 

We'll keep you posted on volunteer needs, sponsorship and donation opportunities, and many other ways you can help. We'll talk with our foundation, planning committee members, sponsors, donors and past beneficiaries about the Garden of Roses annual fundraiser and the impact it has had on them. The annual event and subsequent proceeds donated to deserving charities in the N.E. Tarrant County area, would not be possible without the generous support of our members, sponsors and donors of auction items. Our sponsors and donors of major auction items will not only receive recognition in our media publications and programs, but will also receive additional recognition through our various social media postings.

As sponsorships and donations are received, you can expect to see posts on those items especially on Facebook and Instagram.  In addition, the GKWC Garden of Roses LinkedIn page boasts a showcase page specifically designated for our sponsors recognition and links to their business, as well as a showcase page for the major auction items and the donor information. If you prefer the brevity of Twitter, be sure to follow us there. Or if you'd rather watch instead of read, we'll  periodically be uploading short videos to our YouTube channel.

To make it easy for our members and supporters to access all of our social media channels, click here for a brief presentation demonstrating how to connect with us, or visit the Garden of Roses Fundraiser page & social media links on the website.

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