Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Fundraising Committee: A Key Component of the Garden of Roses Fundraiser

Each year, ensuring the success of the annual Garden of Roses Fundraiser, relies not only on the co-chairs of the event, but with the committed members of the Greater Keller Women's Club who volunteer their time and resources. Leaders always emerge from the membership willing to assume committee responsibilities throughout the nine-month planning process.

This year's 2016 Roses & Pearls Champagne Brunch and Auction co-chairs are Beth Murray and Kimberley Vines. Beth has served as Past-President of GKWC, served in multiple board positions for the Club and will be co-chairing the Garden of Roses Fundraiser for the third time. New member Kimberley Vines has generously agreed to serve with Beth as co-chair for the Event. And so it goes with leading and serving the organization - one seasoned member coaching and sharing knowledge of past events and processes, along with a  new member bringing a fresh perspective and her own set of skills to share. Can you see how the club motto of "Joining Together, Having Fun, and Helping Others" applies here?

However, the co-chairs can't plan and run the event alone. Historically the Event Fundraising Committee has consisted of 20-25 committee chairs with specific areas of responsibilities. Whether a member has filled a committee chair position in the past, or is new to the Club, job descriptions are available to guide them. A member's willingness to learn and serve are the only requirements to fill a committee chair position. As additional resources, there are numerous club members who have served in various capacities in the past, who are always willing to share their past knowledge and experience to anyone interested in serving. And just because a member might agree to chair a committee, they certainly don't have to do it alone -- recruiting  other club members to volunteer is key to each committee's success.

The kick-off meeting for the 2016 Garden of Roses Fundraiser is scheduled for Monday evening, September 14, 2015 at 6:30pm in Room 205 at Keller Town Hall.  There are many committee chair positions still open and needing someone to step up willing to take the lead. All club members who have an interest in learning more about committee chair positions still available are encouraged to attend. Or if you cannot attend and would like more information about any of the positions still open, you can email or contact Beth Murray or Kimberley Vines directly.

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